Road Map for Breaking the catastrophic spell of things so they can release their significance and BECOME.
NIMROD- breaking the spell
breaking the catastrophic
spell of things
Paraphrasing WB, a process of scrutinizing Cypresses as living things presenting themselves as being ancient “ur- historical” and abruptly releasing their significance.
“Long after Benjamin died, his friend Theodor Adorno would remind us of the intellectual and spiritual need in our time in history for us to follow or at least be aware of Benjamin’s critical practice of the need for everything to “metamorphose into a thing in order to break the catastrophic spell of things.” “He is driven “ wrote Adorno “not merely to awaken life on petrified objects but also to scrutinize living things so that they present themselves as being ancient, ‘ur-historical’ and abruptly release their significance.”
Walter Benjamin vía Adorno vía Michael Taussig in WB’s grave
Walter Benjamin vía Adorno vía Michael Taussig in WB’s grave
may we rise - a map
of the road back home
160x210 cm
63” x 83”
primed canvas acrylic / CY22
blurry road,
ephemeral, yearned .
breaking the (catastrophic)
spell so things abruptly
present their significance
on the road to becoming, one has to doubt what one ‘knows’. sacrifice everything. even the spell, the breaking, the meaning, the wish for becoming, the road.
Breaking The Spell II
the blurry road home
23CY 148 x 208
58“ x 82”
Jan 2020
breaking the spell of things so they can reveal their meaning.
רוני : הייתי קורא לזה
"עורקי החיים של ברוש מצוי"
או " אין תוכו כברו" או
״ גם לרם צמרת קרביים״
2020 , ינואר 15
רוני : הייתי קורא לזה
"עורקי החיים של ברוש מצוי"
או " אין תוכו כברו" או
״ גם לרם צמרת קרביים״
2020 , ינואר 15
160x210 cm
63” x 83”
primed canvas CY24
160x210 cm
63” x 83”
primed canvas CY24
A search for an order. A search for coherence in the midst of chaos and yearning for a sense of meaning. Being in front of, and invaded by a constant buzzing questions of ‘what do I do here‘, ‘why have we come here’ and ‘who am I‘. From a very early age , maybe 5, and becoming more urgent and with daily presence towards the age of 15, these questions with an increasing sense of discomfort in midst of chaos accompanied and were palpitating
in me. A search for Order implies that ‘There is Order‘ and suggest an axiom of a pre existence order and laws. A leap of Faith is then necessary. There is an hidden order i can find, encounter, reveal, dis/cover. Art becomes a tool for thé search, the creative process becomes part of a search, and the artistic manifestation is and archive of registry and footprints of this quest. An effort of mapping the path, a registration of the journey and a documentation of the occasional and miraculous encounters. An experience which include the seeker-witness and his testimony. Substantiation of the taste of Nostos. The work as an embodiment of walking the road back Home.
Traces of mapping, Dec 18, 2019.